Corrdesa will be at Realize LIVE Europe 2024 in Munich next week

Alan Rose will be presenting the following session.

Corrosion prevention in design – A tool stack-up to assess corrosion risk, choose materials and optimize the coating application process.

Tuesday 4 June 2024
11:30am CEST – 12:00pm CEST
Tegernsee 4
In the Simcenter Session


Corrosion costs 3-4% of global GDP and estimates show 40% of corrosion costs can be eliminated by better design. The use computational design tools for corrosion assessment delivers huge value by avoiding costly mistakes in design and sustainment.

Corrosion Djinn®, has been integrated into Siemens products, enabling push button corrosion risk analysis and mitigation in CAD assemblies using Siemens NX. Deeper dive 3D corrosion analyses may be executed in the Simcenter StarCCM+ tool.

Once the coatings have been specified, they need to be physically applied, however, many legacy coatings used for corrosion mitigation are hazardous forcing industry to adopt replacements within incredibly short time scales.

We will show how Simcenter StarCCM+ tool can be used by OEMs and supply chain to assess the added challenges of replacing Cadmium with Zinc-Nickel and optimize tooling for production to ensure target coating thickness and composition.

About Corrdesa LLC

Based in Tyrone, GA, Corrdesa uses Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) simulation tools to develop corrosion resistant coatings, processes and equipment to meet customer needs and regulatory requirements such as REACH.

About Corrosion Djinn®

An easy to use, fast software tool incorporating an electrochemical materials database that enables galvanic corrosion analysis to optimize materials compatibility. Djinn® is compliant with MIL-STD-889D for galvanic corrosion risk assessment.

About Alan Rose

As CEO of Corrdesa, Alan works with commercial and military customers, developing technology and software tools to enable Corrosion Resistant Design. He has spent 30 years transitioning computational engineering simulation tools into daily, engineering use. Starting his career applying CFD for process design and safety studies in the nuclear industry and then moving to the USA validating CFD on gas turbine combustor design. Over the last 15 years Alan has implemented electrochemical simulation into corrosion prediction and scale-up of electrochemical processes such as electrochemical machining, plating and anodizing. Alan’s BSc is from the University of Manchester, England, and his PhD from the University of Sheffield.