Corrdesa has released Corrosion Djinn® Version 4.0 the SaaS platform for managing electrochemical data and quantifying galvanic corrosion risk in compliance with MIL-STD-889D.
As predictive corrosion risk analysis becomes more prevalent in engineering and design organizations it is imperative that the essential electrochemical materials & coatings data is managed and made available at the point of need.
New Features
Furthering our commitment to providing more functionality in the Corrosion Djinn® platform we have added a range of features to improve the fidelity of corrosion risk analysis and to also provide additional material & electrochemical data management capability.
Anode to Cathode Area Ratios
We have added a new feature that allows you to get additional refinement beyond the standard 1:1 ratio that Djinn® previously provided. Now, by entering the area of each material you can gain a more realistic prediction of the galvanic corrosion risk taking into consideration the geometrical aspects of the system.
Below is an example using this feature showing the difference between a 1:1 analysis and a 25:1 analysis for Aluminum 2024-T3 & Ti-6Al-4V in a bulk artificial seawater solution in accordance with MIL-STD-889D conditions.

Here we can see there is a significant reduction in corrosion risk with a reduced quantity of the cathodic material.
Corrosion Djinn® derives this improved analysis from the actual polarization data, which provides a more accurate risk analysis compared to simply scaling the 1:1 result.
Material Management
Users of our Standalone Corrosion Djinn® (on-premise) now have access to new material management features. These expanded features allow you to add your own materials, coatings, environments and electrochemical data to the Corrosion Djinn® system.
If you have the capabilities to gather your own polarization data according to the MIL-STD-889D specification you can freely add your own data to the system to perform galvanic corrosion risk analysis. If you’re unable to generate your own polarization data Corrdesa can deliver engineering services, gathering data for you in a MIL-STD-889D compliant way.
For more information on this service contact us here.
Committed to providing future updates with additional materials and features we have a roadmap for the future development of Corrosion Djinn®. This roadmap is subject to change.
- In collaboration with USAMP we will be adding more than 70 new materials focused on the automotive industry.
- Material compliance, such as hazardous material information and status within OSHA & REACH for example.
- Improved reporting functionality.
- Thin film corrosion risk analysis.
The Corrosion Djinn® software can be accessed and evaluated for free at
On the website, you can click on Materials to see what materials (substrates) and coatings are presently in the database.
You can also test the Galvanic Corrosion Analysis feature for a few selected materials in the MIL-STD-889D environment, including the new anode to cathode area ratio feature.
Go on, give it a try!