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Latest News

  • Corrdesa shortlisted as a finalist for the Materials Performance Corrosion Innovation Awards

    Corrdesa shortlisted as a finalist for the Materials Performance Corrosion Innovation Awards

    Corrdesa has been selected as a finalist for the Materials Performance Corrosion Innovation Awards for our “Portable Plating Shop for On-aircraft Coating Repair”. Corrdesa has developed a line of robust, non-drip ground support equipment (GSE) that packages a complete plating shop into a single portable unit designed to repair and replace damaged or missing inorganic…

  • Corrdesa will be attending the 2024 ASETS Defense Workshop in San Diego 13-15 August

    This is great opportunity to learn the latest on Corrosion Modelling, CPCs, Pretreatments, Corrosion Inhibitors, deployment of ZnNi replacements through the supply chain and ground support equipment for coatings repair. Presentations of particular relevance to Corrdesa reflect our work in development of corrosion and plating simulation capabilities as well as non-drip, mobile hardware for on-aircraft…

  • Corrdesa will be at Realize LIVE Europe 2024 in Munich next week

    Alan Rose will be presenting the following session. Corrosion prevention in design – A tool stack-up to assess corrosion risk, choose materials and optimize the coating application process.