Where it all started
A friend at Sikorsky once told me how he was tired of sitting in technical meetings where, weight being a premium, engineers would argue over their ‘piece of turf’
• aerodynamicists would show CFD simulations to define the shape of the craft
• mechanical engineers using thermal analyses would prove that the shape needs to change to allow cooling
• crash worthiness/safety engineers, using FEA simulation, would change the aircraft structure once again and select appropriate materials for strength.
My friend, being a materials and corrosion expert, would then say ‘no, you cannot use that material there… it increases corrosion risk’… at which point the technical team would look up to him and ask to see his corrosion simulation analysis.
The point is that there is a limited number of times you can say ‘trust me – I’m a doctor’… or ‘just hold off for 1000 hours while I conduct an accelerated corrosion chamber test!’ There was clearly a need for a predictive corrosion analysis capability.
CORrosion Resistant Design by Environmental Stress Analysis.
Corrdesa was established in 2011 with the aim of developing a corrosion simulation toolchest for the materials community. Our unique approach combines Alan’s 25 years CFD simulation experience with Keith’s expertise on materials, coatings and corrosion.
Since then we have been instrumental in transitioning corrosion simulation analysis into the military and commercial design communities. Our methodologies and best practices have been influential in steering revised military standards, such as MIL-STD-889D.